
Fight Inequality Alliance Global Gathering 

Kathmandu, 6th July 2023 (Online Bahas)

The richest 1% in the world have more wealth than the rest of the population, and this divide between the ‘haves’ and ‘have not's is continuing to rise. The poorest half of humanity saw no increase in their wealth, while the richest 1% got 82% of the world’s increase in wealth. 


With the vision of uniting a wide range of social movements, grassroots and community-based organizations, civil society organizations, trade unions, artists, and individual activists from across the world who share a vision and purpose in fighting the structural causes of inequality together to create systemic and sustainable change leveraging the collective voice and demands nationally, regionally and globally so that the demands and actions of people on the frontlines of inequality. Observing inequality around the globe in every sector The Fight Inequality Alliance, a movement of activists and organizations from across the world was organized. At least 80 people took part in the Fight Inequality Alliance movement including people from different countries like Mexico, Kenya, Latin America, Ecuador, Bangladesh, India, and Nepal which was held at Nepal Electricity Fight Inequality Alliance Global Gathering, 3-5 July 2023 at Nepal Electricity Authority Training Centre, Kharipati, Bhaktapur, Nepal plus virtual. The team from ICA Nepal Ms.Karuna, Mrs.Mina Acharya, and Ms.Anita Gurung took part in the movement. 


Jenny Ricky Global convener, Deepak from Tamil Nadu India, Ashish, and Geeta Pandey from Nepal Fight Inequality Alliance started the program by igniting candles with all the participants, highlighting some key points and objectives of the program, and sharing the day's agenda. The panel discussion was done by the 4 panelists, Dr, Sushil Bk, Dr. DB Khanal, Balkumai Darlami - Trafficking Survivor, and Binda Pandey the activists fighting against Inequality. They highlighted the history and evolution of inequality on the basis of caste, Gender, race, geography, and the gap between rich and poor. The objective of the movement was to strengthen the movement and set a common agenda to fight inequality over the coming period, Ensure we care, share, and learn from each other and Take action locally in solidarity with Fight Inequality Alliance Nepal’s struggles and build strong global solidarity. 


Jenny along with Deepak facilitated all the participants to make the roadmap for the next 10 Years by including Political Education, Mass Membership, Sustainable Resourcing, Connection to Vision and Mission, Leaderful Movement, and Mass Organizing Structure. Divided in each country group and discussed the Challenges while fighting against inequality and solutions of the challenges and presented a presentation from each of the country's challenges and solutions to the mass participants. A group discussion was done by the Fishbone method which was about increasing members, target groups, what will be next action, slogan, resources, and expected Outcomes.


The program came to an end on day third 5th of July 2023 with a peaceful rally following the government protocols from Siddha Pokhari to Bhaktapur Durbar square, experience sharing representatives of farmer groups, evaluation, appreciation, suggestions, improvement for next movement and learnings by the participants writing in the Metacard and cultural evening program at Lokanthali, Bhaktapur, Nepal. 

Report by: Anita Gurung